The content of the neck is grouped into neck spaces, called compartments. Learn the anatomy of the compartments of the neck with this quiz, video, articles and atlas section:

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Want to test your knowledge on the compartments of the neck? Take this quiz:

Read more on the anatomy of the neck on this complete article

For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to

Kenhub is an online anatomy learning platform. We’ve partnered up with them and curated a list of their best resources for you to learn this topic in the most fun and efficient way.
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This tutorial focuses on triangles of the neck (cervical triangles):
0:00. Intro to triangles of the neck
0:18. Why do we care about cervical triangles?
2:23. Posterior triangle of the neck
6:36. Anterior triangle of the neck
– 7:15. Submandibular triangle
– 8:13. Submental triangle
– 8:36. Carotid triangle
– 10:14. Muscular triangle
10:33. Review (In a nutshell)
10:38. Acknowledgments