People, in as little as 16 minutes, have experienced nothing less than total relief. Do nothing more than a specific sequence of 8 simple, pain-relieving movements.
See for yourself. Especially if you're being told surgery, needles and medication are in your immediate future.
This whispered ASMR deep sleep trance is specifically for light sleepers but will help any with sleep problems or insomnia. I am a trained hypnotherapist and a doctor of clinical psychology so this hypnosis will give a real hypnotic experience. As it is a whispered ASMR hypnosis it includes multiple ASMR triggers for sleep and relaxation. The hypnosis concludes with an extended sleep induction and a water soundscape, this is included because research suggests this type of sound can stabilise sleep cycles and support the deeper stages of sleep (see research link below).
To gain the full benefits of this hypnotic trance you need to be open and motivated to experience hypnosis, your role is as important as mine. The more you practice hypnosis the easily it will become to enter a trance state and the deeper that trance will be.
00:00:00 Intro and Sleep Hypnosis information
00:02:45 Deep Sleep Hypnosis
00:19:40 Deep Sleep Induction
00:40:00 Water soundscape for deep relaxation and sleep
Research Video Rating: / 5